Watercolours News

News and updates relating to Lorne Park Watercolours specifically.


We are pleased to introduce you to a brand new website to mark the beginning of our 6th year as an association.   This new site brings with it some new features and more are on the way.  Besides the fresh look we will be rolling out the return of our forum/bulletin designed to spark some great conversations amongst our members.  We also have a photo gallery of past events waiting in the wings and will continue to add more sections exclusively for members. 

One significant aspect to this site as compared to our previous ones over the years is the introduction of a user account/login feature.  This user account is tied to your membership status and will allow you to manage your own profile (on a household basis as opposed to individual).  The profile will contain your contact information, forum postings and association event registrations among details.  As as long as your membership remains active, you will continue to have access the member only section of our site and be permitted to participate in member events, discounts and promotions.

NewMember Logo


Once we activate the login section of the site (it will appear adjacent to the logo) new members need to simply click on the "register" link next to the login area.  You will be directed to the registration page and payment options.  Step by step instructions have been provided.


RenewingMember Logo


In order to minimize the transition to this new feature, existing members profiles/accounts will be set up in advance of your access to it.  All that is required for existing members is to take steps to initiate a password reset to gain access your profile.  To begin the process you will need to reset your password by clicking on the "forgot login' link.   Over the next several days existing members will receive an email to confirm the account was set up and provide you with a username.  We have prepared a step by step guide to illustrate what you need to do.   Please note that since the fee is based on a per household basis, only one email address is used to create and access your account.  Secondary email addresses will only be collected to be added to the email distribution list.

I HAVE ALREADY PAID for 2011-2012 : Once you login, your account will already be activated!  You can review your profle setting and update whatever information you need to. 

I STILL NEED TO RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP : For past members who have yet to pay for the current term (October 1st annually) your account has already been set up but flagged as "Expired".  Once you access your account, you will be prompted to renew and arrange to make your payment. Once payment has been applied, your account will be activated.  When you are able to login, you can review your profle setting and update whatever information you need to.