Watercolours News

News and updates relating to Lorne Park Watercolours specifically.

UPDATE (June 3, 2019):  Thanks to the generosity of volunteers and your donations, this food drive brought in approximately 1000 lbs of food and toiletries!   

 LPWRA SpringFoodDrive2019 Volunteers 600x337Click image for larger view

Lorne Park Watercolours Resident Sue Anderson is graciously organizing a food drive in support of our local food bank.   Here is her message:


Hello Watercolours friends!


Most of us think of donating to the food bank at Thanksgiving and Christmas, which is wonderful and appreciated. Thank you.


Through volunteering at The Compass I’ve come to learn that during the summer months the shelves are close to empty.


To help we’re organizing a neighbourhood food drive on SUNDAY JUNE 2, 2019If you would like to contribute please leave a bag (or two!) of goods by your front door, labelled “The Compass” by 10am and our team of volunteers will come around to collect and deliver it to The Compass that afternoon. Alternatively you can drop off donations at 763 Merlot Court at any point before then.


MOST needed items are:

  • canned protein (tuna, salmon, chicken, sardines, chili, stew)
  • peanut butter
  • cereal and cereal bars
  • canned fruit
  • juice boxes
  • granola bars
  • toiletries (soap, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, toothpaste)

NOT needed at this time:

  • pasta
  • soup
  • bean

To ensure you are ready to contribute is to add some items to your grocery list today, tuck the bag into the corner of your office or garage after you’ve bought them and then you’ll be ready to set them on your porch for collection on Sunday June 2nd!


Many, many thanks in advance for your generosity in helping those less fortunate in our community.

- Sue Anderson