As you may know, a motion to amend the membership fee was put forth at our Annual General Meeting on October 19, 2017, the details of which follow:
The current fee (per household) is:
- NEW MEMBERS: $30, First year ($20 + $10 initiation fee)
- RENEWALS: $20* (* If membership lapses, the extra $10 initiation fee re-applies.)
"The initiation fee shall be payable on the occasion of a person becoming a new Member and is not payable in subsequent membership years unless the member is renewing a membership that was not continuously maintained since the Member last paid the initiation fee."
The PROPOSED FEE CHANGE (per household) is:
- Effective date: January 1, 2018
Please accept this notice as a call for a “Special Online Meeting” for the purposes of executing a vote for the aforementioned motion.
In order to pass this motion, a majority vote with a minimum of 20 submissions is required.
To vote please complete the following online form commencing immediately and ending Wednesday November 29, 2017 at 11:59pm
Members must be in good standing (i.e paid and up-to-date dues) in order for the vote to be counted. ONLY ONE VOTE PER HOUSEHOLD IS PERMITTED. It is the responsibility of each member of a household to determine how a single vote is to be cast. Where the members in a household are unable to agree on how the single vote is to be cast, the members' rights in that household will be deemed to offset each other and, therefore, cancelled for purposes of this vote.