Watercolours News

News and updates relating to Lorne Park Watercolours specifically.

UPDATE (January 25, 2013) : We are pleased to announce the ice rink is now ready for your enjoyment!

As you may have noticed, the area in the park was recently re-graded to properly accommodate an ice rink, as was the original intention of the space.

The re-grading initiative was spear-headed by the Beautification Committee of the Lorne Park Watercolours Association. The City of Mississauga department of Parks and Rec was extremely helpful in helping to successfully achieve the re-grading project.  In the Beautification Committee’s most recent meeting with the City, we were informed that the City plans to put up the boards for the ice rink before the end of November. They will be erecting a hut over the water and electrical supply and will provide a hose for flooding.


A big thank-you to Bruce Edmonds, who will coordinating the preparation and maintenance of the ice surface, and to Gary Mazzuchin and Marcelllo Demarco who have also graciously volunteered their time to help. More volunteers are needed and welcome to help with the ice.  To volunteer for this fun, winter project (high school volunteer hours available!!),  Please contact the Executive Committee or sign up here