Watercolours News

News and updates relating to Lorne Park Watercolours specifically.

UPDATE:  Thanks to our volunteers and your donations, our neighbourhood donated over 4000 lbs of food and essential items to those in need in our community.

This year will mark our 9th annual neighbourhood food drive in support of our local food bank, The Compass Food Bank and Outreach Centre taking place on Sunday, December 1st at 10:00 am.

Over the past eight years, our Watercolours neighbourhood has shown incredible generosity, helping to collect over 35,000 pounds of food and essential items for our fellow community members in need.

Unfortunately, this need continues to grow. In the last year, the number of Mississauga residents living with food insecurity increased by 58% with now 1 in 13 Mississauga residents using a food bank.

These statistics are a stark but important reminder that our efforts are still in great need and crucial to ensuring that no one goes hungry.

PLEASE LEAVE ALL NON-PERISABLE FOOD & TOILETRIES DONATIONS OUTSIDE YOUR FRONT DOOR ON SUNDAY DECEMBER 1, 2024 NO LATER THAN 10:00 AM so our volunteers do not miss picking up your generous items!  Our team of volunteers will pick up your items between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.   

 If you would like to make a monetary donation, please visit their website:   DONATE