Watercolours News

News and updates relating to Lorne Park Watercolours specifically.


The Lorne Park Watercolours  Residents' Association is now entering its 9th year as an organization.  Over the years we have helped improve our community for the direct benefit of Watercolours residents.

We encourage you to come out and join us at our Annual General Meeting on:

Thursday February 27, 2014 at St. Luke School

The meeting will take place at 7:00 pm in the library (2nd floor)

As you may know we hold elections every year at our Annual Meetings for 3 of the 6 positions* held in our executive committee.  This year however, with the resignation of our treasurer (member moved), the following 4 positions are up for election this year:

President:  2 year term
Treasurer: 2 year term
Member-at-Large: 2 year term
Secretary: 1 year term

If you are interested in running for these positions, please let the executive committee know by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Remember that in order to vote, you must be a current members in good-standing (paid dues).  We will be on hand to collect payments in cash or cheque the evening of the meeting.  

You can optionally also renew in advance by visiting our website.  The online option also offers the option to pay by credit card.

As a member you enjoy the benefit of:

  • Receiving updates with respect to community events and news.
  • Adding your voice and participate in the direction of our community.
  • Be informed of homeowner issues and benefits.
  • Vote in the election of executive members.

Note:  With the resignation of our Social Committee Chairs, we are also looking for volunteers to step in and continue our yearly traditional social activities.

*  Though the positions are for 2 year terms, in the interest continuity the terms are staggered yearly.