Watercolours News
News relating to Watercolours specificially.

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We have some exciting news! Our Palette Park ice rink, located in the heart of Watercolours, is ready to welcome skaters for the first time since 2022! The Polar Vortex has brought with it some much-needed cold, the perfect temperatures for ice making.
Our rink is open to everyone of all ages and skill levels for all ice-related activities, as long as the GREEN sign is posted. This is a naturalized ice rink meaning there is no refrigeration and no Zamboni to keep the ice smooth. Natural bumps and uneven surfaces are normal and conditions will vary based on weather Please use caution when using the rink. Helmets are also highly recommended.
If the RED sign is posted, the ice is undergoing maintenance and is not suitable for skating. Please stay off the ice if the "Do Not Skate” sign is posted or if you think the ice poses a risk due to surface damage.
Please be respectful and welcoming to all who come to skate. Please be thoughtful and share the rink space with neighbours of all skill levels and sports.
Hockey Players: Please consider bringing a shovel to help clear the ice of snow once you’re done and kindly remove the hockey net from the ice rink surface once your game is complete.
Nightly ice maintenance and floods will occur around 10:00 pm although hours may vary between 9:30-11:00 pm. The rink closes at 11:00 pm every night.
Watercolours has a small but mighty team of rink volunteers who are in charge of floods and ongoing ice maintenance. A huge thank you to our rink volunteers!! It’s a lot of hard work, and we can’t wait for you to come by for a skate.
If you or anyone you know is a high school student in need of Community Hours, please email us at
Happy Skating everyone!!
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UPDATE: Thanks to our volunteers and your donations, our neighbourhood donated over 4000 lbs of food and essential items to those in need in our community.

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Efforts are underway to prepare the ice rink at Palette Park. While we are at the mercy of the weather, our volunteers have managed to lay down and clamp our liner in preparation for flooding. You'll notice the rink is a bit smaller this year making it more manageable to maintain.

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[UPDATE: Thanks to the generosity of our community we collected 3,534 lbs of food and toiletries for The Compass! ]
Help us fill the shelves at our local food bank & outreach centre, The Compass!
Our annual Holiday Food Drive is back for an 8th year!! Residents of Lorne Park Watercolours have generously donated over 31,000 lbs of food & toiletries since 2016. Last year, we collected about 4678 lbs and our highest was 7000 lbs collected in 2020.

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We've received a message from a Watercolour resident alerting us of an issue with Bowood tree moths that has decimated his boxwoods.

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Ledcor Construction Ltd. will be working in our neighbourhood on behalf of Bell Canada to add Fibre Optics to the existing infrastructure. Every home in the neighbourhood will have access to its own fibre line. You have no obligation to switch services or use the line.

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[12-22-22] The Palette Park Ice Rink is being prepped for the season. The current climate provides ideal conditions for flooding. Please do not walk or ride on the ice rink area to avoid damaging the liner and forming ice.

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UPDATE: This year 4678 lbs of food and toiletries were donated to The Compass Food Bank. Thanks to your generosity we surpassed the last year's record!

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[04-16-2022] The last of the work needed for the ice rink was wrapped last week with the folding and removal of our huge liner. We'd like to express our thanks to Brea Maddeaux and her team of volunteers who worked tirelessly over the winter maintaining the ice rink for our neighbourhood to enjoy.
A special thanks to our local MPP, Rudy Cuzzetto for helping us find a safe & secure place to store our liner so we can use it for years to come!

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[03-15-2022] The Palette Park Ice Rink is now closed for the season. Please do not walk or ride on the ice rink area to avoid damaging the liner. As the snow and ice continue to thaw, our volunteers will be rolling up the massive liner to be used for next year and beyond.

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[02-25-2022] The west end of the ice rink has been marked off with caution tape. Please do not skate on this bumpy patch for safety and to avoid damaging the exposed liner.

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[02-22-2022] Fluctuating temperatures have made a slushy mess of our ice rink. 😩 To give our volunteers time to get it back into shape, no skating or swimming, please.

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[02-13-2022] Ice Rink Reopens: The recent cold spell and rain helped our volunteers get the ice rink in great shape for skating! We hope you have an opportunity to enjoy it!

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[02-08-2022] The milder temperature means it's time to close the ice rink again for maintenance. We will let you know when it's open again!

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[01-31-2022] The Palette Park Ice Rink will be closed on February 1st & 2nd for maintenance. Please refrain from using it so our volunteers can work on it.

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[01-25-2022] It looks like the ice rink has been getting good use since opening last week! For everyone's safety and to make sure the rink remains is good condition please consider following these recommendations:

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[01-18-2022] We're not about to let a little snow slow us down! Thanks to loads of volunteers from ages 8 and up, the ice-rink was cleared in about 2 hours! The was the good news. The great news is the rink is ready to use! Please review the posted recommendations for a safe and enjoyable time on the ice!

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[01-15-2022] A couple of days of milder temperature earlier this week exposed the damaged liner draining the water. Luckily the recent drop in temperature gave the volunteers an opportunity to bounce back! The rink is still not quite ready. Thanks for your patience and for continuing to stay off the ice. Also, the walkways around the rink are slippery, so please be careful!

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[01-11-2022] Sadly, someone decided to use our unfinished ice rink, tearing our newly purchased liner and delaying the efforts of our volunteers to flood the rink for all of us to enjoy. Please DO NOT USE the ice rink until the work is completed. We'll let you know when the rink is ready.

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Thanks to city staff and Lorne Park Watercolours volunteers, our ice rink is back again this year! Although we had a bit of a rocky start, namely the rink size and the challenge of having a catch basin right in the middle of the rink area, we are just about ready to get going with it! The association agreed to purchase a liner, ao we are hoping to have better success than last year!

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UPDATE: Thanks to all your contributions, we managed to collect approximately 4250 lbs of donations. A special thanks as well to our army of volunteer families for helping make this happen: Amos, Anderson, Arnone, Banducci, Brady, Cappuccitti, Chen, Chu, Cuzzetto, DaCosta, Danesi, DeFrancesco, De Marco, Dowie, Ferren, Fiore, Gill, Haider, Hardwick, Hickman, Leone, Linardic, Lishman, Melidoniotis, Pabla, Radwan, Ragozzino, Stewart, Velianou, Venere.

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Our ice rink is back this year, thanks to volunteers in the neighbourhood taking on the initiative to build and maintain it for our community. As many of you know anyone tasked with creating an ice rink, particularly one this size, are at the mercy of the weather and cooperation from our community. We have been informed by the Ice Rink Making Team, that recent flooding efforts were disrupted after it was walked all over early Saturday morning. This has resulted in a delay in having the rink ready for all the community to use and enjoy. Ice skating will be a welcome treat, especially with what we've endured these last several months!

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UPDATE: We are very happy and extremely proud to announce the success of our neighbourhood’s 5th annual Holiday Food Drive. The hard work of many families and the incredible generosity of all residents living in Watercolours resulted in approximately 7,000 lbs of food and toiletries being donated to our local food bank, The Compass. On behalf of our Lorne Park Watercolours Residents’ Association and on behalf of The Compass Board, staff, volunteers and clients, Thank You for your extremely generous donations. This food will feed the most vulnerable people in our community this holiday season.

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UPDATE: Thanks to you generosity along with the amazing team of volunteers we collected 4500lbs. of food and gifts!
In 2016, with your help we were able to collect over 2000 lbs. of food and gifts for families in need. In 2017, your generosity resulted in over 4000lbs. worth of goods. Last year we collected an oustanding 5400lbs!

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UPDATE (June 3, 2019): Thanks to the generosity of volunteers and your donations, this food drive brought in approximately 1000 lbs of food and toiletries!

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UPDATE (December 17,2018): We are thrilled to announce that thanks to an army of 90 volunteers and your generosity, we collected 5400 lbs. of donations for The Compass Food Bank surpassing last year's record of 4000 lbs!! Thank you!

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As part of the ongoing maintenance program, the City of Mississauga has partnered with the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF) to perform much-needed maintenance on several City-owned and operated stormwater management facilities. The facility in your ward is located within Palette Park, with access to Renshaw Court and Hancock Way.

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We are pleased to announce that as a result of an overwhelming majority vote of 97.3% of the eligible votes, the Motion to Amend Membership Fee has passed.

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As you may know, a motion to amend the membership fee was put forth at our Annual General Meeting on October 19, 2017, the details of which follow:

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UPDATE: Thank you to our incredible neighbours and volunteers for helping us collect 4000 lbs of food, toiletries and gifts. Your generosity will go a long way to help families in need.

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We had a great turnout last night at our AGM. The executive board would like to extend thanks to our special guests Councillor Karen Ras and Peel Regional Police Constable Taryn Hill (11 Division Community Liaison Officer) for presenting at the meeting.

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Membership renewal is due annualy by October 1. For $20 per household, per year you will continue to enjoy such benefits as remaining on our email newsletter list, having access to our member only bulletin board, be able to participate in events hosted by the association and vote.

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The City's contractors will be dewatering the Lorne Park Watercolours Storm Pond (#801), likely the first week of October 2017, to allow for a fish/turtle collection (if present) to be completed. The purpose of this work is to prepare the pond for the upcoming clean-out later this Fall. Before the commencement of the clean-out, formal notice of construction will be provided.

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Our Annual General Meeting is being held:
Thursday, October 19, 2017 • 7:30 pm || St. Luke School Library

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If you've walked in our neighbourhood park or walkways, you no doubt noticed paint peeling from our beautiful pergolas. Over the years, the LPWRA has been working with the City of Mississauga to have these repainted. Despite our repeated efforts to have them re-painted they continue to peel. We wanted to assure you that we have been communicating with city staff on getting them cleaned up and wanted to provide you with an update.

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You may have noticed some fluorescent pink markings on our neighbourhood sidewalks. We wanted to inform you that today the City of Mississauga inspected the sidewalks in Watercolours. They have marked those in need of repair with pink fluorescent paint. Crews will be scheduled to make the repairs. Should you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the City at 311.
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Back in August 2015, a film crew shot scenes for a Pilot for a TV series co-produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's Pearl Street Productions, CBS Television Studios and Universal Cable Productions. The series called “Incorporated” recently began airing on Showcase in Canada and SyFy Channel in the US. You can catch scenes in the very first episode, featuring some familar areas!

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UPDATE: The food and toy collection on Sunday was a tremendous success thanks to the many volunteers and generous neighbours in our amazing community. With your help we were able to deliver approximately 2000 pounds of goodies to help families in need!
Santa will be taking time out of his busy schedule to visit Watercolours this Sunday to help collect donations for his friends at The Compass. Santa, with the help of volunteers, will be wandering the streets of Watercolours to pick up your donations.

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We are looking for volunteers to help with the annual cleanup of our community. Bags and cleaning supplies will be provided by the City.

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The New Bi-Weekly Waste Collection in the Region of Peel now in effect: Pick-up date changed to Monday in Watercolours.
Beginning JANUARY 4, 2016, waste collection in the Region of Peel is changing to cart-based, bi-weekly collection. For residents in Watercolours it also mean a change of the pickup date to MONDAY.
- The new bi-weekly schedule has us starting with GARBAGE and ORGANICS.
- Next week will be RECYCLING AND ORGANICS.
- Going forward GARBAGE and RECYCLING will alternate weeks, while ORGANICS is collected every week
For more information, please visit the Region of Peel website

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Councillor Ras is organizing an Open House to inform Watercolours’ residents of the restoration plan for Painters Green Park.
September 23, 2015 | 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Lorne Park Hall, 1288 Lorne Park Rd. (map)
Forestry Staff, along with Councillor Ras, will be on hand to answer any questions that residents have about this plan.

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It seems Watercolours was the perfect location for scenes for a TV pilot being filmed around the GTA. On August 18, 2015, thanks to the cooperation of affected residents, the production filmed scenes along Canyon Street between Cobalt and Infinity as well as the Cobalt Street entrance resulting in the road closure for part of the day.

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UPDATE (March 23, 2015):
Emerald Ash Borer Infected Trees Removed: Now What?

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Beginning JANUARY 4, 2016, waste collection in the Region of Peel is changing to cart-based, bi-weekly collection.
To prepare for the new collection residents will be provided with new GARBAGE and RECYCLING carts, free of charge. They are available in 3 sizes (small, medium and large), while ORGANICS CARTS are only one size.
You have an opportunity to reserve your preferred size if you submit your order before MARCH 31, 2015. If you are not satisfied with the size chosen, you can exchange them for a fee. Carts will be delivered in the fall.

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UPDATE (March 9, 2015): We hope many of you had a chance to enjoy using the ice rink in our park this winter. We are tremendously grateful to Walter Beierl and his flooding team for battling the cold weather to build and maintain it.
Though we had a slow start due to some technical issues, there were plenty of ideal temperatures this season to accommodate the flooding. That being said, The City Park and Forestry Department has notified us that the rink will be dismantled and the hut removed during the week of March 23rd. Hopefully, you'll get a few more skates in before it's too late!
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Urban Coyotes, Pet Licensing & Standards of Care
Mississauga Animal Services is hosting Open Houses to share information on urban coyotes and safety, pet licensing and changes to the Animal Care and Control By-law.
“Animal Services staff is hosting these sessions to educate the public on urban coyotes and how to coexist safely in our City,” said Mickey Frost, director Enforcement. “Staff will also provide an update on pet licensing and the standards of care in the Animal Care and Control By-law.”

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The Lorne Park Watercolours Residents' Association is now entering its 10th year as an organization. Over the years we have helped improve our community for the direct benefit of Watercolours residents.
We encourage you to come out and join us at our Annual General Meeting on:
Tuesday November 11, 2014 at St. Luke School
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The Credit Valley Conservation hosting an Ash Tree Management and EAB Community Meeting for residents living near Rattray Marsh. The meeting takes place:
Monday, April 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at Green Glade Senior Public School, 1550 Green Glade, Mississauga.
With its many ash trees, Mississauga’s Rattray Marsh Conservation Area will feel the full impact of the emerald ash borer infestation. Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is on the front line, managing the effects to one of Mississauga’s prized natural spaces.
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Experts Share Advice on How to Protect Trees on Private Property
Saturday, April 12, 2014, 1 to 4 p.m.
Lorne Park Library (Program Room), 1474 Truscott Drive.

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The Lorne Park Watercolours Residents' Association is now entering its 9th year as an organization. Over the years we have helped improve our community for the direct benefit of Watercolours residents.
We encourage you to come out and join us at our Annual General Meeting on:
Thursday February 27, 2014 at St. Luke School
Social Activities
TOGETHER WE HAVE A LOT OF FUN. The social committee was without a doubt one of the devoted group of volunteers we are privileged to have in our association. Every year they spearhead a number of events and activities designed to provide an open and welcoming environment for our neighbours. The importance of nurturing our sense of community makes Watercolours one of the safest and enjoyable neighbourhoods in the GTA. When sufficient volunteers allow, we help to organize the events, some of which are listed below:
Safety and Security
Please report suspicious activity to police (905-453-3311)