Ward 2 Updates
Visit this section for news, updates and notices from Councillor Ward 2's office. For more information: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/cityhall/ward2

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The Ash Grove Mississauga Cement Plant is in the process of applying for Site-Specific Standards for:
- Sulphur Dioxide (So2) 1-hour average
- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 1-hour average

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Peel Regional Police (11 Division Auto Unit) and city councillors have organized a virtual town Hall regarding the recent vehicle thefts here in Mississauga. Topics will include recent high-end vehicle thefts from Peel Region. Crime Prevention Services will be in attendance to provide safety and prevention tips. The Town Hall will offer the opportunity to discuss recent vehicle theft trends and will be followed by a Q&A session with Peel Police and City Councillors.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, December 16th, 2020 from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.
For more information on the recent arrests and on these thefts, please see the press release sent out by Peel Regional Police.

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UPDATED: March 23, 2021
The Region of Peel’s Public Works Department are undertaking water system improvements on South Sheridan Way and Indian Grove with construction slated to begin February 2021 that may affect your travel routes.
Representatives from the Region of Peel and the City of Mississauga will be on Indian Grove from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday November 2, 2020 (rain date Monday November 9, 2020). They will be there to answer any questions you may have about upcoming construction. The street visit is drop in, please come when it is convenient.

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You are invited to the next event jointly organized by several South West Mississauga Associations, collectively named South West Mississauga Ratepayers Associations (SWMRA). The following Federal Candidates for Mississauga Lakeshore will be participating:

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There are a number of events coming up this month in and around WARD 2:

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The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) will be conducting a prehearing conference with respect to the property 1260 Kane Road owned by 1854290 Ontario Inc.

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UPDATE: 4 candidates confirmed attendance: Rudy Cuzzetto (PC), Lloyd Jones (Green), Boris Rosolak (NDP), Charles Sousa (Liberal)

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A meeting has been scheduled regarding the proposed Bell Telecommunications Tower Relocation. The community meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 11th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm at Clarkson Community Church (formerly Chartwell Baptist Church), 1880 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga.

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"The City of Mississauga will be conducting an aerial spray treatment program to lower fall cankerworm and gypsy moth populations. Successive years of leaf loss due to caterpillar feeding can make trees vulnerable to disease and weather fluctuations." - from City of Mississauga website

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The agenda of two Committee of Adjustment meetings on April 5, 2018 includes properties that are adjacent to homes in Watercolours. The properties are 1174 & 1176 Kane Road backing onto home on Hancock Way and 1215 Woodeden Drive backing onto homes on Tourmaline Court. For details, please view the PDFs linked below:

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This is a reminder of an upcoming meeting at Mississauga City Hall (Council Chambers - 300 City Centre Drive) on:

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The City of Mississauga Parks and Forestry Department will be holding a number of workshops where staff will be teaching correct tree banding techniques. As mentioned in an email we received from Councillor Karen Ras:

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There are 2 meetings coming up at this month from the City Planning and Development Committee that will be of interest to you:

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As you may already be aware, the former Imperial Oil Lands at 70 Mississauga Road was sold to developers (West Village Partners). A planning and development committee meeting, where staff will present an Information Report, is being held on Monday, June 26, 2017. The report is a draft master plan status update.
For more information, please visit the City of Mississauga website
When: Monday, June 26, 2017 • 6:30 pm
Where: Council Chambers Civic Centre (2nd Floor) - 300 City Centre Drive [map]

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A public meeting is being held to discuss a developer's proposal to revise the zoning to permit 4 two-storey detached homes on a private condominium road. There is also a request to approve a proposed Plan of Subdivision for 4 residential lots.

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Karen Ras will be holding Community Office Hours at Clarkson Community Centre, Multi-purpose Room (beside the Library) on:
Friday, April 28th, 10 am – 12 pm
It is advised that residents contact her office to schedule a one-on-one discussion by calling 905-896-5200, or emailing
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On Tuesday, March 28th Councillor Karen Ras be hosting a community meeting, along with Park Planning, to update residents with respect to the Multi-Use Hydro Trail. Animal Services will also be in attendance, to address any coyote concerns. The meeting will be held at Lorne Park Secondary School, 1324 Lorne Park Rd., in the Lecture Hall, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
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An application will be presented for the land (701 & 805 Winston Churchill Boulevard) that was formerly approved for the natural gas power generating station. The application is proposing to remove permissions for the previously approved plans.

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The European Gypsy Moth is a pest found throughout North America. The caterpillar eats the leaves of trees which may damage the overall health of the tree. Gypsy Moth populations have been in the City of Mississauga for many decades.

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If you experienced damage to your grass from the snow clearing operations this past winter, there is a new system in place for reporting.
Residents can call 3-1-1 now and have a Service Request created which will be forwarded to the Works Department. Please note: Work will not commence until such a time that weather and soil conditions allow and subject to the availability of sod.
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Below are details for an invitation to attend a Stormwater Residential Program Workshop, April 13th, 2016; Please RSVP at the link below by Friday, April 8

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You are invited to the next event jointly organized by several South West Mississauga Associations, collectively named South West Mississauga Ratepayers Associations (SWMRA). All the federal candidates for South Mississauga will be participating in a debate.
TUESDAY OCTOBER 6, 2015 | 7:00 PM
Clarkson Secondary School - Auditorium
2524 Bromsgrove Road, Mississauga
Doors open 6:30 pm | Limited seating
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Using Fireworks Safely on Canada Day
If you are planning to use fireworks (pdf) on Canada Day think safety first and take time to review the City’s Fireworks By-law 0293-2001 (pdf).
Did you know that fireworks can only be set off on two statutory holidays - Victoria Day and Canada Day. A permit is required to set off fireworks on any other day.
Permits are issued by the Fire Chief and only on the property listed on the permit.
By-law Highlights
- Fireworks cannot be set off on a public street or roadway
- Fireworks can only be set off in a park if a permit is obtained from the Fire Chief
- Fireworks should only be purchased from a licensed retailer permitted to sell fireworks to the general public within the City of Mississauga as per By-law 1-06 and By-law 340-01
- If you have concerns about fireworks that don't comply with City’s Fireworks By-law 0293-2001 and want to know where to report it. Here's how:
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Resurfacing work for Mississauga Rd.from Lakeshore Rd. to the QEW has been sheduled . This work is expected to take approximately 6-8 weeks and is to commence June 23rd, subject to weather.
For more information, follow this link (PDF)
In addtion, visit the following City of Mississauga Construction webpage showing all of the 2015 resurfacing projects. If you hover over the red line on each street, you will see further details.
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Let’s Play in the Park FREE Outdoor Summer Camps at Your Local Park
This FREE half-day, drop-in, summer camp is available at 13 local parks from June 29 to September 4, 2015.
All Mississauga children ages 6-12 are invited to come discover the fun and wonder of active play through physical activities, crafts, drama and games under the supervision of our High Five-trained leaders. Parents, grandparents and caregivers are welcome to stay and play, too. Come outside and play with us!
Find park locations, dates and times at www.Mississauga.ca/play

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Are you 12 - 14 years old? Would you like to travel on MiWay for free this summer? How about free public swimming at both indoor and outdoor pools? Then you need a Freedom Pass!With a Freedom Pass, 12 to 14-year-olds can ride MiWay and use City of Mississauga pools for free all summer.
For more information follow this link: mississauga.ca/freedompass
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Mississauga City Council approved the new stormwater charge at today’s meeting. The stormwater charge will be on the Region of Peel water bill starting in January 2016.
For more information: http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/cityhall/pressreleases?paf_gear_id=9700020&itemId=4900304q

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